Antar Bharati Pathashala Prakalpa
A new generation has come to manhood after the formation of linguistic states. They have hardly seen any All India move¬ment! They have not experienced a national impulse reaching every nook and corner of the country. Antar Bharati Pathashal a Prakalpa visualises their active participation in discovering the motherland in all its glorious manifestations.
Upper classes in the high school, say from eighth onwards, will be required to partici¬pate actively in this project:
(a) The class. will indentify itself for the whole academic year with some other state in the country. The upper the class the more distant will be the state they choose. Thus the eighth class becomes Karnatak or Maharashtra, ninth becomes Gujarat or Kerala, tenth becomes Rajasthan or Punjab, eleventh becomes Kashmir or Assam and so on.
(b) The class room will be so decorated that it will immediately give the fee of the adopted State.
(c) Students will commit to memory one word per week and one sentence per fortnight from the respective languages. This will remove the sense of unfami-liarity with another regional language and make easy communication possible. Children have a knack of picking up different languages and this natural talent must be fully exploited. A dictionary of all the sixteen languages prepared by Shri Vishwanath Nara- wane is available, which will be of great help in carrying through this programme.
(d) The boys will also learn a few songs from the State of their adoption: national songs, folk songs, devotional songs.
(e) They would collect information about the State's geography, history, great men, cultural centres, places worthy of visit, new development projects etc.
(f) They would prepare albums of pic-tures, collect information about heroes, saints, social reformers, festivals, and institutions of repute, know folk tales, prepare files of important news-items, collect costumes, etc. etc.
(g) They would develop pen-friendship with their counterparts in the respect¬ive states.
(h) They would visit the state they adopt and seek an opportunity to stay with some family there for a few days to get acquainted with the life there.
(i) They will celebrate festivals and other important days generally observed in that state.
(j) They will establish contact with fami-lies from different states which are living in the neighbourhood so as to get guidance and help in completing their project.
(k) They will try to get a speaker from the state who will give them all the inform-ation about the state: the land, the people, the language, local festivals etc.
(l) They will collect books, periodicals, and dolls from the state and build up a library, a museum etc. etc.
(m) They will get a few gramophone records of popular regional music and learn the tunes. They will pick up a few folk dances also.
(n) They will try to collect material about different games and sports that are special feature of the state, viz. Lezim and Malkhamb from Maharashtra.
(o) Joint camps of students from the reciprocal states will be organised.
This programme can be elaborated and extended according to the availability of talent and resources.
During the period of three or four years, if the student actively participates in this programme, he will start thinking beyond the frontiers of his state and develop kin¬ship with the citizens of this country. He will develop an Indian perspective.
The teacher and the School should not spoon-feed the students. The studentsthemselves should use their resourcefulness to achieve results. Active participation by students is most important. They must get themselves involved emotionally, intellectually and physically in the project to yield the desired results.
Maharashtra Rashtra Bhasha Sabha's Hindi High School in Poona and few other schools have tried this experiment with success.
For additional information and guidance please contact—Secretary, Antar Bharati,430 Shaniwar Peth, Poona 30-Maharashtra State.
If camps or meetings of Heads of Insti-tutions are organised on suitable dates, Antar Bharati can depute somebody for discussion and guidance,
About Shri Pandurang Sadashiv Sane
vasudevimgSane Guruji, the founder of Antar Bharti did cast a bridge across the cultures, catching the range and movement of the world.
Lifespan:- 24December,1899-11June,1950
About Antar Bharati Trust
ANTAR BHARTI was the dream of that great patriot, scholar and writer of Maharastra, the late Shri Padurang Sadashiv Sane, known throughtout Maharastra as Sane Guruji. In a number of articles from 15th August 1948 onwards he explained to his countrymen the dream of Antar Bharti...
Antar Bharati (Monthly)